Energy Audit

Clairéo provides advice and support in optimising your energy consumption and costs. We carry out, in partnership with ProWatt, an energy audit, and find solutions to reduce your costs thanks toPrédiag énergie vinicole 360°.

Prédiag énergie vinicole 360°

What it is?

4 steps to lower energy usage and buy it cheaper :

Assess your situation

We go over your invoices and your energy usage as well as drawing up a projection of your future needs.

Optimize your costs

Then, we optimize your energy generation and purchasing – including potential subsidies – based on your consumption. This can lead to significant savings & increases in profitability.

Find potential reductions

We identify potential reductions in energy taxes

Regulatory Check

Finally, we provide a regulatory check on current and future regulations that could impact your wine-growing business.


  • We identify immediate savings and provide a decision support tool for increasing profitability.

Did you know?

of the energy consumed in wine production is used in transport
of the energy consumed in wine production is used by heaters
7,8 PET
is the average that a vineyard consumes each year (Petroleum equivalent tonnes)